Upcoming watershed workshops

We had a great time and learned a ton at the “What’s Going On in Panther Hollow?” presentation on Wednesday night, and we’re looking forward to passing that along to you here on the blog sometime next week.  (If all our technology works properly, we’ll have Michele Adams’ slideshow synced up with the audio from her presentation.)  But for now we wanted to let you know about two upcoming workshops that were announced at the event.  We’re hoping to empower residents to make their own yards, Schenley Park, and by extension the Panther Hollow Watershed a healthier place.

Cardinal flower

Water-loving plants like cardinal flower help mitigate storm water when used in a rain garden.

If you live within walking distance of Schenley Park, chances are good that you live in the Panther Hollow Watershed. Historically when it rained in your neighborhood, the storm water that fell on your house, yard, and street made its way to the park, Panther Hollow Lake, and the Monongahela River.  However, because the Panther Hollow stream was piped many years ago, the water now rushes right to the Mon, bypassing Schenley Park.  The park needs the water, but slowly! 

It’s a big area, and keeping it healthy is a big job.  You can help by improving your yard and the park, and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is offering two workshops that will get you started.

Healthy Yard Workshop
Thursday, October 28, 5:30 – 8:00pm
Schenley Park Café and Visitor Center 

Learn options for slowing storm water and improving water quality in your yard. Learn the basics of building a rain garden, picking a good location, calculating size and identifying the right materials.  Bring information (size of your roof and yard, downspout locations) to work on your home project during the workshop. 

Participants will receive a native plant and a book about rain gardens. A light dinner is included.

Cost is $20 and space is limited.  Please register by October 22 by clicking here or by calling 412-682-7275, ext. 227.

Panther Hollow in fallHealthy Park Workshop
Sunday, November 21, 1pm – 4pm
Bartlett Shelter near the intersection of Bartlett Street and Greenfield Road  (directions)

An introduction to methods for slowing and cleaning park storm water–an important way to improve water quality throughout the region.  During the workshop you will practice some of the techniques by doing a stream bank stabilization project along Panther Hollow Run.

Be sure to dress for outdoor weather, including heavy shoes and work gloves. Light snacks are included.
Cost is $10 and space is limited.  Please register by November 15 by clicking here or by calling 412-682-7275, ext. 227.

We hope you’ll be able to join us!

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